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These paintings are a collection of work made between 2008 and 2011. The series was started at a Vermont Studio residency.
These paintings are a collection of work made between 2008 and 2011. The series was started at a Vermont Studio residency.
The Land Within
oil enamel on panel, 50" x 60"
Waiting For Spring
oil on canvas, 84" x 60"
Low Tide
oil on canvas, 50" x 60"
Heavy Hands
oil enamel on panel, 48" x 36"
Dry Land
oil on canvas, 64" x 72"
Can You Hear Me Again?
oil enamel on panel, 72" x 48"
The Edge
oil enamel on panel, 48" x 36"
The Tree
oil on canvas, 64" x 72"
oil enamel on panel, 48" x 36"
Waiting For Winter
oil on canvas, 50" x 60"